
About HTZ Solutions

The HTZ Difference

Made in America and produced in the Midwest, our flagship unit weighs less than 115 lbs fully assembled. Our patent-pending hand hole is the lightest Tier 22 product available, featuring a reversible design and rounded corners for more flexibility and speed during installation.

Leading the way in the Hand Hole Industry

Changing the
Hand Hole Market

We created HTZ Solutions to address a growing concern in the hand hole market. Our competitors favored Tier 1 customers, leaving Tier 2 and Tier 3 customers with project delays due to supply chain issues. HTZ is here to fill that void, ensuring your projects are always well-supplied with the latest industry technology. Safer, lighter, more durable, and there when you need us.

Leading the way in the Hand Hole Industry

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Where can you find the HTZ Solution?

Let’s Connect

Speak with a specialist today to find out how our solutions can help keep your project on time and on budget.